Osteopath Services

Osteopathy Services in Bulahdelah NSW

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Hi! My name is Alex Hammond.

I come from a small town called Terang in Victoria, but have lived in a few places up and down the East Coast of Australia before settling here in Newcastle.

My experience with osteopathy centres around the pain I’ve felt with scoliosis, herniated discs, and bursitis, which were all treated by osteopaths. This started me on the academic journey to help others with similar as well as other pains, and has expanded my interests into other forms of healthcare.

I graduated from Southern Cross University in Lismore in 2018 with a Master of Osteopathic Medicine and Bachelor of Clinical Sciences, and have studied a Bachelor of Arts between Griffith University on the Gold Coast and the University of Newcastle. I am also currently in the process of applying for Medicine at UoN.

I have a keen interest in the function of the human body and love combat sports like Brazilian jiu jitsu and mixed martial arts, as well as Winter sports like snowboarding.

My interests and studies have guided my approach to osteopathy and brought my focus to movement and strength as a form of healthcare, as well as empowering an individual to take care of their own health by effectively communicating exercises, stretches, or even the results of x-rays and other tests.

If you’re interested in booking a consultation with me, call or text me on 0493 786 763.

I’m looking forward to meeting you!

Alexander Hammond

B.ClinSc, M.OstMed

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